Imagine Rotary

Nov 10, 2022
District Governor Denis Blouin
Imagine Rotary
Personal :
Denis was born on September 17, 1947, in Windsor in the Eastern Townships. He went to the Polytechnic School of the University of Montreal, for the Bachelor of Applied Science degree he obtained in 1973. He married Camillia Rochefort on June 29, 1974. They have two children: Nicolas and Émilie. He is now the grandfather of four grandchildren: Élianne, Guillaume, Antoine, and Agathe.
Denis Blouin has been an engineer since 1973 in the construction sector and as a project manager for maritime, municipal, road and transportation projects. His fields of expertise include industrial, structures and buildings, engineering structures and maritime infrastructures, roads, and municipal infrastructures. He holds a master's degree in organizational management obtained in 2001.
Retired from consulting engineering in January 2016, he has been self-employed since then in the management of civil, marine and municipal engineering projects.
He has been Chairman of the Management Committee of the Niche of Excellence - Industrial, Mining and Metallurgical Process Engineering (IPIMM) since 2014 and Chairman of the ACCORD Regional Committee for the North Shore region since 2018. The ACCORD (Action concertée de coopération régional de développement) approach is a government action priority aimed at stimulating the economy of Québec's regions.
Volunteering :
Denis is also a committed volunteer in his community. Thanks to his availability, dedication, and generosity, he has contributed to the creation and development of several community organizations.
Denis is on the boards of directors, as director or president, of the Club d'athlétisme de Sept-Iles, the Corporation of adapted transport de Sept-Iles, Taxi-Bus, the Sept-Iles Chamber of Commerce, the Association des parents et amis des malades émotionnels, Centraide Duplessis and the Élyme des sables, a palliative care home. Over the years, Denis has devoted his time and energy to these organizations. He still chairs the boards of directors of 3 of these organizations, in addition to being a director at the Caisse populaire Desjardins de Sept-Iles.
He has already received two major honors in recognition of his volunteer involvement: in 2008, he became a member of the Ordre du Mérite Nord-Côtier and in 2018, he received the Lieutenant Governor of Québec Medal.
Rotary :
It is also in the Rotary Club of Sept-Îles that Denis has distinguished himself since 1999 by successively assuming the presidency, from 2002-2003, and the secretay since then, as well as the operation of the advisory committee for a few years. His work is recognized by his peers because it gives the Club an organizational structure. His efforts and the achievement of results resulted in Denis receiving the great honor of Rotary, the Paul Harris Fellow, in 2005. His constant support to the Rotary Foundation has brought him a PHF + 2 since then. As if that wasn't enough, in 2012, he goes on a humanitarian mission with a group of Rotarians in Guatemala, as a volunteer at "Safe Passage" and to visit completed District projects.